Under my skin on the Mountain

Posted by loupeurisk at 5:56pm on Friday 25th August 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was visiting my family.  I don’t remember the details, but I was about town, and there were a bunch of silly mind games that got under my skin.  It was close to the end of my stay.

A friend showed up and said he was organizing a hike.  My Mom said something like, “Good that will keep him busy.  We don’t actually have time go on a hike”.  

I looked at her in such a way as to say, “Actually, I am going”.

She said, “Are you serious.”

Suddenly, I find myself on a giant rocky ridge with a half dozen other people.  I don’t recognize anybody in real life, but I think I knew them in the dream, at least tangentially.  We were all crossing the ridge.  It was pretty scary because on one side, it was a long drop.  

Even though we were far up, I felt like we were just setting up, gathering our gear, etc.

I dropped two devices.  Not sure what they were, but it was important I get them back.  I crawled on my stomach, trying to get past another guy.  I remember thinking, “personally, I don’t want to die”.  I slide down the mountain into a ravine, to get the devices.  The other guys had already started the hike.  It was almost dark, and I realized I didn’t really know where we were going.  I wasn’t sure they did, either.  

I realized, I forgot water.  I walked towards a large grocery store.  They told me to hurry, we needed to get going.  I said I would be just a second.  It was completely dark.  I looked behind me, and remembered how hard it is to hike at night.  They were all fading into the distance, and I hoped I wouldn’t have problems finding them in the dark.

labelloupeFamilyloupeMountain             language