A Bloody Mess

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:26am on Tuesday 4th September 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

I really don't remember much.  The dream was earlier in the night, and I didn't record it then. I just remember that me a couple of other people slaughtered a bunch of other people.  I remember one person was beheaded.  I don't know why we did it, or who the people were (the people who were with me, or the people we killed).  None of the places were familiar, either.
The others were caught at the time, but I got away.  Most of the dream was me getting away.  I went back to get something.  I think there was somebody helping me navigate without being caught.
Then I distinctly remember thinking.  I can get away, but it would mean leaving everything behind.  Completely start over.  I could never be the same person.  I dropped everything, changed into unfamiliar clothes (a plaid shirt, and a camouflage, sleeveless vest), and I hit the streets.  

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