Steven's secret code

Posted by loupeurisk at 5:56am on Tuesday 4th September 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

I was at a large property, with a nice house and quite a bit of property, plus a workshop, a trailer, and other structures.  The house was a stone and log cabin.  My friend, Steven, usually stayed there, but he was away.  I believe he was working, but we didn't know when he would be back. There were several other people there.  There was an older couple.  They seemed to know Steven's situation best. There was a 25-year-old boy-man.  There were several other people there.  Some lived on the compound, and a couple of people who I now have only a vague sense of, but I think they were new to the compound.  I was too, but I was more familiar with it, and the people.
It came to light that we needed something that Steven wrote down, and it became a scramble to find it.  I asked somebody at the compound, "What was the last thing he was reading?"  "I think the Bible", one of them said.  We flipped through the Bible to find a bookmark or something where we would have written the code.  Nothing.
I asked, "Can I go to see him?"  The older man said, "He is at a camp down the way.  You might be able to catch him while he is at lunch, but it would have to be discreet."  
I asked, "What about a phone?  Can I text him?"  The older man said, "I am not sure.  You can certainly try."
Unfortunately, that is all I can remember.  the dream was actually pretty elaborate.  But I can't even remember what the code was for.  I think it was pretty esoteric.
I also remember a side story, where we were talking about the "man-boy".  He owned the nice house, and one of the new people was surprised. I told him that his parents don't want him to leave, and they don't care if he ever gets a job.  They had to leave their house suddenly, and they just gave him the house.  

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