charity begins at home.

Posted by loupeurisk at 9:22am on Sunday 17th June 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

I was childhood self (perhaps 10 to 13 years old).  I don't remember too much about this dream.  I remember going over to my friend's house.  His mother was glaring at me like she was really unhappy with me.  I asked what she was mad about.  
He said, "your suggestion is sitting in our living room".  
As we walked through the kitchen my friend said, "Look out.  He pissed on the floor.  In the living room was a blonde boy with glasses.  I think he was "mentally challenged". He was playing video games.  I do remember that I suggested my friend's house as a place of charity, for retarded children.  I remember thinking, "She could have said no".

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