My Time of the Month

Posted by loupeurisk at 9:03am on Sunday 17th June 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

I was in some sort of a dorm room.  I was with a woman, perhaps my girlfriend or wife.  We weren't supposed to be there.  We had a room.  We were sneaking around.  I don't know what our goal was, what we were doing there.  I do know we were ready to leave.  We were frantically throwing things into a couple of backpacks. 
We left the room and split up.
What happened next is pretty difficult to explain.  I found myself in a hallway outside of a woman's restroom.  There was a huge line, and I had to get in.  I was hoping I wouldn't be recognized (as a man).  But suddenly I found myself surrounded by women.  One of them demanded I explain why I was here.  She had a cell phone, threatening to take my picture and upload it.  I said, "I'd rather not ..."  She held up the phone and got in close to me as if to take a selfie, "...but I guess I will".  I was mortified but explained I was having my period, and the men's bathroom didn't have the "equipment".  The girls were about to laugh, but the main girl seemed actually sympathetic.  She shushed them, and said to them, "you know it (she actually said a medical-sounding word)is a thing".  
I decided the line was too long, and left, looking for my partner, and perhaps something to deal with my "problem" in the dorm room.

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