High School Drama

Posted by loupeurisk at 1:18pm on Sunday 18th March 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

Many of the details are sketchy.  The entire cast of characters were highschool students, including me.  I think I was a taller than average, skinny awkward boy, with a healthy head of wavy black hair.  

The entire dream took place in a mall, and everything seemed so scripted.  Not scripted so much as ritualized.

The first thing I remember was sitting in a bubble-tea cafe.  There were several tables there, each of which had exactly 2 boys, and 2 girls.  I think it was some sort of game. Each round was a question. It wasn’t really a question like a trivia question, more an ethical question.  I no longer remember the question(s), or the rules of the game. I do remember that something disrupted the session and we had to leave. The four of us that were at the same table started leaving together, but I had to go back for something.  

There was some guy outside the cafe making a bit of of ruckus. He asked how they liked his comments.  He was talking to the girl behind the counter. He had written in pen on their signs. I don’t remember the exact words, but they were hostile, and I think were occult in nature.  Or maybe they were just insults using language like “burn as a witch”.

The other memory of the dream, occurred later.

I was in a huge circle of other high school aged children.  We were all sitting in the folding chairs in the middle of a big open space in the mall.  Again, I think this was some sort of game or ritualized behavior of some sort. I was not paying a lot of attention, and the girl next to me, a cute girl, with porcelain skin and shortish brown or black hair, was talking at me (and a couple of other kids around me), but whatever she was saying required a response.  And I gave her none. She snapped her fingers to get me attention, and I replied “Sorry, I was zoning out”.

“Well you know what that means?”.  Suddenly the floor went quite, some soft music started playing”.  I knew exactly what it meant. We were going to have to dance in front of everybody, and it mortified me.  She stood up, and offered her hand to me. I reluctantly complied. She was a petite girl, and came up to my chest, in height.

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