End of humanity

Posted by loupeurisk at 5:56am on Saturday 3rd March 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

There are a lot of fragments here.  The dream was much larger.
The first thing I remember was that I was with a woman.  For some reason we had to pretend we were fucking, but it wasn't much of a pretend.  We were in a sink.  I was in my underwear.  She was completely naked, and we were grinding against each other.  She was sweating and moaning.  I was cumming in my underwear.  It was poring out.  I wish I could remember the context of this.

The other scene was that I was deep in some cavern.  Most of humanity was dead.  I was in hiding.  A man, very nicely dressed with a gun was there.  There were others down there as well.
I remember one incident.  I jumped over a woman crawling on the floor.  The man in the suit, said to her, "I don't think you understand.  I am not here to save humanity, but kill it".  He shot her in the head.  I ran up the stairs. 
Eventually, I reached the top, and entered the outside.  The city was dead, but a bunch of automated stuff was still running.  I remember a trolley that was merely a shell.  It was rusted out.  Really only the frame was left, but it was still going around the tracks.  There were a few people as well, but they were all, also just shells.
I really wish I could remember more.  It was a much bigger dream than I can do justice to, with these few fragments.

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