Hike in the woods

Posted by loupeurisk at 3:21am on Wednesday 3rd January 2018      Type of Dream: Normal

I was with a large group of people (perhaps a dozen to 15).  We were on a long hike.  As is usual with my dreams of late, I am not me, and the people, though I knew them in the dream, I don't know them in my waking life.  We were divided up on the walk, in a natural way based on our pace, so I ended up with two others.  One was a woman in her late 20s.  She was overweight, but more husky than fat.  She was pretty strong.  She was blonde with her hair in a pony tail.  She had thick round glasses.  She wore natural tan shirt and shorts.  Good hiking clothes.  I think she was the leader.  She seemed to know the trails better than me or the the other man.  He was older, perhaps 50 or 60.  He also seemed to be in pretty good shape.  He had a white mustache, wore similar clothes, and had a safari hat.
We had been hiking for quite some time.  I wasn't tired, but I thought it was late, and I started steering us back home.  But the woman said "don't you want to go all of the way".  That was the first time I realized we had a destination.  I said, "Of course".  So we kept going straight.  The trails were really wide, and well maintained, almost the size of a one lane road.  The forest was beautiful, mostly coniferous trees.  Lots of hills and valleys.  The path we turned onto was pretty steep, probably 30 degrees incline, and very straight to the top of a hill.  We saw a deer, and a Golden Eagle.
Finally we got to our destination: a giant Greek style mansion tucked in the woods.  I don't remember the order people arrived, but eventually everybody got there.
We were greeted by the owner of the house.  He welcomed us inside.  The house was like a museum.  It was full of ancient Egyptian statues.  In fact, there were so many that I thought it was too much.  He was a collector, and I remember saying to one person that he should find a way to put some of them away, perhaps give them to a museum.  We sat down in a large room.  I sat next to the husky woman.  I think I worked closely with her.  Then, for some reason, I felt a little awkward, so I moved to another house.  We all knew him.  I think he was a patron of some sort, but I felt like a slight outsider, in the sense that I was a little out of everybody else's league.  It might be better to say, I was newer to the "industry", than everybody else, so I had more to prove.
"I am glad you all could make it.  I have a massive project for you guys."  We all looked around at each other, assessing for the first time, who we were as a group, not just individually.  He noticed, and said, "what?  You think this was just a social call?  A friendly dinner?  No, I brought all you here for your particular skill set."  Again, I felt a little out of my element.  Like I was not quite at their level, though I knew I could be, like I didn't have quite the resume, but I was talented.
I think he picked up on it, as well.  He walked up to each of us, like he was sizing us up.  He stopped at me.  He asked what I was taking in college.  I lied.  The reality was I was taking science/math/computer oriented classes, but I knew he didn't want that.  So I told him that I was taking history of the Egyptians/Phoenicians, and a class on writing.  Then I added, "it is a light semester".  He seemed satisfied.    
We knew from the ensemble of people and the patron, that the project was a series of comic books.  From the sounds of it, we assumed it would be epic.  "Good", he said.  "Let's eat.  I will fill you in afterwards".  
I had to go to the restroom.  I entered a large bathroom, and sat down on the toilet to take a shit.  Another large man walked in.  He was a quite overweight, pretty nerdy looking.  He was carrying his own toilet in his hands.  He sat it down next to mine, pulled down his pants, and sat down.  I wondered how a portable toilet like that worked.  How it could be hooked into the plumbing.  He started on some small talk.  I was pretty uncomfortable.  
I finished taking a shit, got up to wash my hands.  I wasn't sure if I should use wipes or paper towels.
...Unfortunately, this is when I woke up.  So I have no idea what the project was.

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