Alternate Germany

Posted by loupeurisk at 9:05am on Saturday 2nd December 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was going a vacation in Germany.  I was walking along stone sidewalk.  The shops were all stone, as well.  Kind of a cliche of eastern European hospitality.  Warm lantern light and welcoming pubs.  I walked down the sidewalk, looking in the windows, feeling a little lonely.
Then the sidewalk came to an end, ending with a cliff made of cement. There were hooks, and small lips periodically.  I climbed down the wall.  At the bottom were a lot of down-trodden people, wearing brown rags of ripped clothes.  Nobody made eye-contact.  One guy sitting on a cement bench protruding from the wall, glanced at me.   When I made eye contact, he looked away.  
Out of a large arched entry way, two giants entered.  They were probably 10 ft tall.  Their skin was pale, and grey, with blue veins.  They had little hair, very pronounced facial features, and huge hands.  The scanned the arena.  I was sitting on the bench now.  One of the giants noticed me.  He didn't recognize me.  He knew I was a stranger.  He smiled, and pulled out a long thin object, and walked towards me.  At first, I thought it was a giant needle, that he was going to drug me.  Then I saw that it was a rod, that ended in a small square with a symbol on it.  
No, he was going to brand me.

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