The Dome

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:01am on Monday 27th November 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was with a few people at a friends house (not a real friend -- as is often the case, I am not me, and nothing is familiar).  We were under a large mechanical dome.  It was spinning slowly and there were projections on the wall.  One of the guys and I were having a debate.  Apparently another one of guys was seeing Texas projected on the walls, and we were seeing Alaska.  I was saying it was impossible for us to be seeing something different.  The other guy was arguing that it wasn't at all impossible.  I got him to confirm that it was a "direct projection".  e.g. no mirrors.  Then it is impossible I said with confidence.  "Well, obviously not." he said with equal confidence.  "True, but how", I said.
Then we looked up, and both saw the sun and the moon.  "Well that is fucking weird", the guy said.  "I think it was because we pulled the levers upstairs", recalling that we were upstairs.  It was spinning up above, as well. There were levers in each section of the dome, that you can pull, to change the configuration. 
Then in the middle of the air came a computer error message.  I don't remember exactly what it said, but it was a standard Windows computer message, except that it threatened Jail time if it wasn't fixed.  
Just then, the guy who owns the house pulls up in a red convertible.  He was kind of greasy with a greasy mustache.  There were 3 men in the car wearing ski masks.  I told him about the error.  He said that he rebooted this morning, but he will do it again.  
I was a little surprised he wasn't worried about going to jail. 

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