magick rocks and cybernetics

Posted by loupeurisk at 5:56am on Monday 20th November 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I have two fragments.  No a lot of context.  
1.  I walked into a forest clearing.  I had a carved stone.  I think it was pumice.  It was an oval ring, kind of the shape of a chain link.  I believe that I carved it.  I also think I performed a ceremony upon it to bless it.  I walked into the clearing yelling for somebody.  In the clearing there were many stones, all made of the same kind of rock.  They were in various shapes, none like mine.  They were all standing on top of each, balancing delicately.  "I created this for you", I yelled.  A man walked into the clearing.  He had a brown beard, wavy, shoulder-length hair.  I set my stone on top of the balancing stones, and they all collapsed.
The started yelling at me.  I don't remember his exact words, but he basically said that I mimicked how he made the stones, and performed the ceremony, but it wasn't the real deal.

2.  I think this was the same dream, but it may not be.  I do think I briefly woke up after the last dream.  
Now I was in a city.  I feel like I was mostly knew and trying to figure out where I belonged.  Unfortunately I don't remember a lot.  I met a lot of people.  I remember a girl (perhaps 18), sitting at a table, like a coffee shop.  I think she was playing chess.  I remember two other girls.  They were avoiding their duties somehow.  
I feel that everybody in this city sort of had a role to play.  It didn't feel suppressive, really.  It felt kind of like a work environment.  I remember watching a movie.  I don't remember what the movie was about, but I remember it was part of the "job".  Then I thought I needed to be one place, but instead had to go in to a room.  Here, a man was hanging by hooks. There was another group of men.  They were all bigger than I was.  At first I was horrified.  One of the men said something to make me understand.  Again, I don't remember his exact words, but the implication was he was dying and needed a procedure.  He was going to get some kind of cybernetic implants.  And he needed to be alive for the procedure.  I think I was here in the past, because I remembered the procedure.  
Then we went into another room.  The cybernetic men needed help and we were here to learn the tools.  The cybernetic man was standing with his shirt off.  His shoulders and upper arms were made of black metal.  Another man was showing us a tool.  I think it was used to put the robotic piece in place.  I was held like brass knuckles.  It could either be held vertically or horizontally.  That is all I remember.

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