magickal encounter with an old friend

Posted by loupeurisk at 4:35am on Monday 6th November 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

There is a lot of vagueness to what exactly happened.  I only remember the aftermath.  I was at a school.  I didn't belong in the school.  It was a private school that an old friend, Heather, went to.  Something incredibly powerful happened between her and me, here at the school.  
Currently, I am in a circle.  Heather notably isn't here.  One of her friends, Kelly, is here.  Two other people are in the circle.  Something happened between Heather and I, and one of people in the circle (I don't know much more than she was female), was trying figure out if what happened was real.  I was sitting in a swing, I think.  The woman, said, "I am going to put this candle underneath you.  Let me know if it hurts."  She put a candle under chin.  At first it was buried in my skin, and it burned.  I pulled back.  She pulled the candle back. The flame still touched my chin, but it didn't hurt.  Then she started the swing.  I was swinging in a circular motion, the candle still against my chin.  She said, "I am going to ask you 59 questions.  "Did she experience any other magick here at the school?", she asked.
"No.  She told me everybody she knew was mundane.  That she didn't know a single magickal person." I replied.
"Did she know any other magickal people, here at the school?"
"No. She told me explicitly that she only knew one other magickal person, and was of a very different kind."  She was talking about Robert, a mutual friend of Heather's and mine.  I glanced at Kelly, and she nodded approval.  
Unfortunately, I woke up at this point.

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