golem House

Posted by loupeurisk at 5:49am on Saturday 21st October 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was in some house.  It was pretty modest.  I may have been living there with several other people.  I think I lived in the attic. 
But at some point I left the house,  Much of the middle part of the dream is blank.
At some point My wife and I are following this old man.  There are a bunch of other people there, as well.  It almost feels like a tour, or something.  We are in really large house on a rocky beach.  The house is built from the indigenous stone, and marble.  
Suddenly it feels like we are avoiding something.  We are being really quiet.  We are avoiding those that live in the house (or at least are inhabiting it -- I am not certain if we aren't supposed to be there, or we just have to avoid these creatures).  They are big humanoid creatures.  They are about 10-12 feet tall, very burley, and they look like they are made of stone.  We enter this large room.  We are on a ledge looking down.  The ledge is about 3 feet wide, and hugs one wall of the room.  The room below is mostly filled with water, except for a little island, where two of the golem creatures are working on something on a big stone table.  Shimmering water makes the room look blue.  
We all hug the wall, and we soon come to a door leading outside.  There is a big cliff, and I wonder how we will get down.
Suddenly I hear the discombobulating voice of one of the golem creatures.  It was thunderous.  I didn't know where it was coming from.
The old man, our guide, showed me an aluminum ladder hugging the cliffs.  It almost reached the bottom.  I knew I could jump to the bottom.  I started the decent.  The ladder started bending.  I was certain it was going to break.  I tried holding onto a pipe that was attached to the cliff, but it just bent with the ladder.  So I hurried down, and soon I made the last leap to the floor.  I was standing on a rocky coastline, with a lip of sandy beach.
When my wife approached, I tried to encourage her.  I told her it feels scary, but it is safe.  She said, "I am not doing it".  And she began looking for other ways down.  She mentioned a previous time, when she just jumped and somebody caught her.  I told her that if she wanted to do that, I would be ready.  I was worried that she would miss work, and was already trying to make up excuses for her.  I was afraid she would break her leg.
The next thing I knew she was down.
I asked her how, and she just pointed.  It looked sort of Escheresqe, but there was some sandy steps that somehow led to the bottom.

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