I did something bad

Posted by loupeurisk at 4:39am on Tuesday 19th September 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was with somebody else, a woman, but I can't see her face.  We were sneaking into somebody's house.  I don't know why, but it wasn't right, and I knew it.  But I had to.  

I took my backpack and laid it on the front porch.  I don't know why.  We went from room to room.  Three older women were coming home.  We had to get out of there.  We ducked and dodged trying to get out without them seeing us.  I realized they knew we were there.  My backpack!  It wasn't where I left it.  They had it, I was sure.  Was there anything identifying in it?  My notebooks.  My writings.  There may have even been a video tape (more like a reel-to-reel).  My soul was in there, so yes, they could identify.

We went back to our house, which seemed to be some communal thing.  I was in a dining room of sorts.  I big wooden picnic table in the middle.  I was sitting alone.  A woman came in.  She was kind of stocky, blonde, a kind face.  She said, "You look so alone.  I can't let you be alone".

I said, "I can be alone or I can have company.  It doesn't really matter".  I said it in a non-committal, light hearted way, with a little chuckle.  I was trying to disarm her, make her feel no obligation. 
Then word started to spread that it was me that broke into the house.  The blonde then turn on me, and said, "I guess nobody cares if you are alone".  And walked away.
I started packing to leave.  I had to make sure the bed was made neat.  I put up railings on the bed, so I won't fall out.  My partner doesn't.  

I wondered if I could get my backpack back.  Everybody knows what I did, so I could just grab it.  But it has been profaned, so it is also less important.  Perhaps, I should just start over.

Author Notes:

I felt mostly like me this time, but nothing else was familiar.  None of the other people or settings.  Just me and my backpack invading somebody else's space.

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