
Posted by loupeurisk at 7:18pm on Wednesday 6th September 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

This is incredibly frustrating.  As is often the case, I only remember the last piece of the dream, but this time I truly feel like I missed the most important context of this dream.  I think part of the frustration is I had a harder time nailing down who I was, even what gender I was.

There were rows of bathrooms.  One of them I helped build.  I named it, but the name has now changed.  Not sure what to do.

A woman was standing at the entrance between two of them.  “You want to take a shit?”  And pointed to one.  “You are a woman?” and pointed to the other.  I never realized how tall she was.  My head only went up to her chest.  I could never date somebody that was so tall.  She was pale.  Bright red lipstick.  Long dark brown hair.  Wore what looks like a nurse uniform.  I think I was going to ask her out, but she was so fucking tall.

I went into the women’s restroom to take a shower.  The line was long.  I forgot the stack of books I had from a previous part of the dream.  The part I can’t remember.  Only that there was a house with lots of Windows, lots of light.  These books had some meaning, as did the order of the books.  The top and bottom book were sandwiching three or four others.

Sorry.  None of this makes sense, because I don’t understand the context.

Author Notes:

I  almost feel like I am going backwards in my skill.  Must double down.

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