Was I in Scotland? Was I in the 21st Century?

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:58pm on Sunday 3rd September 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was somewhere in a European style Tundra.  Perhaps the Scottish Highlands (Cairngorms?), or Iceland.  In a valley, surrounded by mountains.  Old stone houses were scattered about.  I walked up to one.  I believe it was newly mine.  I absorbed the fresh air, let the environment, and history envelop me.  

Some men, tough, military type men, were laying carpet in the house.  The lead man saw a cigarette butt in the floor.  He picked it up in disgust, and said, “We will get nowhere if this keeps up”.

Author Notes:

I am now trying to document what I know, and what I don't.  I did a 3 month backpacking trip in Scotland, and had a particularly intense experience in the Cairngorms.  Of course, I don't know if that was where I was.  It just looked similar.

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