Gas Station to mutilated woman

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:49pm on Saturday 2nd September 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

There seemed to be a lot of pieces in here.  Not sure if they were different dreams or the same.

I was at a gas station.  I asked the man to fill it up.  He was a slightly scruffy Hispanic man, nice.  I feel like I knew him from somewhere.  Unsolicited, he started washing my windshield.  I asked if he could wash my car.  He hesitated.  I can’t with a dog in the car.  It turns out he thought I meant the interior of the car, when I really meant the exterior.  “We can get out”, I said.  I got my leash from the back, and took my little dog out of the car.  We wandered the parking lot.  There was a really pretty girl there.  I was embarrassed to make eye contact, so I tried to avoid her.  Wandered over to a family in an R.V. having a picnic.  I was going to sit down and listen to music on my phone.  I realized, I forgot something, wandered back to my truck, passed the girl.  I turned my head from her, grabbed what I forgot.  The gas-station guy was scrubbing the floor under the steering wheel.  Wandered back to the family.  I tried to avoid eye contact with them, as well, because I was afraid they would think I was up to something.

There was some kind of maze like building.  I really don’t remember the context.  I just remember that she was trying to avoid something, or someone.  She went into a big room, like a studio.  She stripped naked to avoid being recognized. She looked over and saw herself fully dressed.  She thought to herself, she’ll have to strip eventually.  I feel I am not doing this piece justice.  There was a lot more to it than that.

A man was wandering about.  I think this may have been the same maze building.  He kept calling a Woman’s Name.  And kept saying, “I am sorry.  Please come out”.  The woman he was calling for, finally whispered, “Fine”.  She came out, or was she lying on her side. She seemed horizontal, but above the ground, and coming out.  She was naked,  She had carved out her chest.  She had carved out huge chunks of her face.  The wounds had mostly healed, leaving grotesque scars.  Strangely, she actually still had nipples.  Her nose, what was left of it, was bent towards her face.  Her mouth was almost not there, just a small oval hole, that couldn’t open or close.  Her face was sunken. “I am here,” she said, in a whisper.  The man saw her, looked tragically sad.  “I am sorry,” he repeated.  “I didn’t do it.  Why would I have, when I had somebody so beautiful at home”.


Author Notes:

The little dog was very similar to one of my dogs.  Everything else was completely foreign.  I don't have a truck, and none of the locations were familiar.  Most of my dreams, since my visitor and the return of me dreaming at all have been like this.
I am starting to feel like these aren't my dreams, at all.  Or perhaps somebody else's dreams with certainly things I am familiar with to anchor me.
I have to know, how often do others dream about things and people that are completely unfamiliar to them?

labelloupegas stationloupemazeloupemutilationloupenaked woman             language