dead android

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:43pm on Friday 1st September 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was on stage in front of a man.  Were in a play or something.  He was tall, dark skin.  I can’t remember exactly what happened to motivate this, but his eyes lit up a mechanical blue.  I realized he was an android. I grabbed his head, spun it around 360 degrees.  I killed it.  I put it on a gurney.  I laid it on top of the real human body I had killed.  The android cloaked it and made the dead body invisible.  I ran with the gurney, down a hospital corridor.

I met a man outside.  He grabbed the body, put it in the trunk of a car.  He winked at me, didn’t say anything.  I scaled a tall fence, once on the other side, I ran to safety.

labelloupeandroidloupedead body             language