I own a basketball player?

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:36pm on Thursday 31st August 2017      Type of Dream: Normal

I was in a rush to get to the Credit Union.  I was driving in a large city.  There was quite a bit of construction.  I owned a basketball player.  Something happened so that he couldn’t play.  I don’t remember what that was.  The day before, I had gone to the credit union, laid down $10.00 (or was it $11.00, or $20.00) in pennies for a money order to be picked up the next day.  

While I was driving, I called the Credit Union, and spoke with a man.  He said they wouldn't be able to give me the money order in person.  I would have to go to Albany.  “Albany?” I said, with incredulity, that is hours away.”  “Sorry”, he said.

When I arrived at the Credit Union, there was a lot of confusion.  The lines were not organized, etc.  

A woman teller (she had short curly, unkempt brown hair, a bit of a ruddy complexion.  Big round glasses) grabbed me and the woman next to me (a hispanic girl, long dark hair), and said I can take both of you.  The hispanic girl also had an issue with a money order.  They sorted that out. Then she turned to me.  I explained what the man told me.  She seemed like she was expecting me, and had already looked it up.  She agreed with the man, but she did some research, and it turned out that the basketball player had a bashed in skull, so he probably couldn’t play anyway.  She showed me an X-Ray.  The skull was completely bashed in, flat, lots of cracks.

Then I realized, I could probably sue the man who sold the basketball player to me.  So I turned to the Teller.  OK.  Then can I have my $10.00 (or was it $11.00, or $20.00) in pennies.  She told me it was $11.00.  $10.00 + $1.00 bank fee.  She handed me a bag full of pennies.

I got into my car.  It was an old boat of a car (1968 lincoln or something), ugly copper color.  I was driving and trying to call my wife, to tell her the situation.  I missed my turn onto the freeway.  There was a lot of construction.  I was still on the phone, nobody was answering.  Somehow, I got my car turned around, but I was walking down the street.  Oops forgot my car.  Started walking back to my car.  The car was now a dark blue hatchback.  The turn signal was still blinking.  Along with the blinking from all of the construction.  



Author Notes:

I do live in Oregon, so Albany could be Albany, Oregon, or Albany, New York.  I am sure there are other Albanys in the U.S.  Also, Albany is not "Hours away" from where I live, and the city was much larger than I live in.   Everything else was, again, completely unfamiliar to me.

labelloupeBasketball PlayerloupeConstructionloupeCredit UnionloupeMoney             language