Dream within a Dream

Posted by loupeurisk at 6:15pm on Tuesday 29th August 2017      Type of Dream: Recursive

Sort of a dream within a dream sort of thing.

I thought I woke up from a restless night.  A mist was surrounding me.  What I thought was rope in the shape of spiderwebs surrounded me.  A figure was walking around me, covered in the same rope.  I couldn’t speak, and had a hard time moving.

It was suddenly bright as day for a second or two.  A topless girl was standing in the corner of the room.  Her arms folded under her breasts.  Brown long hair, with two pony tails on the side.  A bit on the homely side.  Not a well proportioned figure.

Back to fog and mist.  A cat (long haired siamese -- not really my cat, per se, but I feed it) was laying on my head.  I was worried about my bird.  I tried to tell it to leave. Couldn’t speak.  My gestures to shoo it away were barely a gesture at all.  I kept trying to say, “You can’t be here”.  I couldn’t.  Still could barely move.

Finally I realized that what I thought was spiderweb shaped rope, was actually the cage of my cockatiel.  I managed to stand up, and turn on the light.  The cage was in shreds.  The only thing left of my bird was feathers, clinging to the shredded cage.



Author Notes:

It is probably worth noting, that this is the first dream since I started dreaming again, where I was fully me, in a familiar surrounding.  Though no other people were in the dream.  The bird was mine.  I was familiar with the cat, etc.

labelloupebirdloupeghostloupenaked womanloupespiderwebs             language